Welcome to my little corner of the internet. This website is part-linktree, part-portfolio, but it's primarily just somewhere for me to practice HTML & CSS. (or JS if I can focus.)
status from status.cafe

Webrings & Fanlistings


Some of you didn't have buttons so it's just text.

dabric msx.gay VenCake caitsith.neocities.org button
citizensofscience hightide3ra backrooms highcloudquintet pixalina gurelucht Crash Test Dummy solarisrpg insomnicat cherry-bonita phrogee mypillowfort

Cool People & Cool Buttons

Some of these go to places. Top row is all users and the bottom is just random buttons.

Visit Melonking.Net!

triPixel is a fucking webmaster.

Made With Bisexual Pride!